

Our mission is to provide Technology related news and mobile related news Every day to our readers.Information is required to gain knowledge for everyone.Our motto is to provide high quality and genuine content to the readers.

About Us

My name is Bhaskar Baidya from India.I  am a Network Security Expert, a Tech Lover and mobile lovers, my duty is to provide Tech News to people through my website.

I always to do something new in my interest section but there are many difficulties which I faced in my life up to that time.My family financial condition was not so good that it can help me to do what I actually want to do.After overcoming this condition I completed my engineering. During my engineering, I fall in love with Technology, especially with SmartPhone.Future of smartphone will decide our regular habits.

"Some Inspirational Quotes About Technology"

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.  No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. - Elbert Hubbard (Author)

 It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. - Albert Einstein (Scientist)